It is designed for watching movies on PC computer, saved in diffrent formats of Windows system, e.g. avi, mpeg, asf.
Excellent for playing movie files, compressed with DivX codecs. These codecs guarantee high fidelity of picture, and small size of place needed for keeping movies in this format. That's why compressing DVD movies to DivX format, often seven-times smaller size of regular CD-R disc, is so popular today.
Features :
legible and simple user interface
displaying movie in window and fullscreen
zooming video window
recently opened movies list with possibility of adding and deleting items. Adding movie files by specified directory
auto-playing movies by playlist
auto-collecting information about video files to playlist
auto-loading subtitle text files in TMP and MicroDVD formats, included in video file, or additional directory
replaceable skins
showing transparent and framed subtitles
auto-breaking long lines of subtitles text, centering text lines, time shifting for subtitles
controlling program through command line
controlling through keyboard
controlling through external controller (joystick, gamepad, etc...)
controlling through external program
and so others
Please note that this is a general multimedia player for playing back AVI files. Different AVI files may be encoded with different "codecs" (compressors and decompressors ; COders and DECoders), so by having an AVI player, it doesn't mean you can play every single AVI file in the world (you'll need to separately download and install the codec for the AVI file as well). For more information on codecs, AVIs, and DivX in general, please refer to our DivX Help Page.