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SolveigMM AVI Trimmer + MKV

Download SolveigMM AVI Trimmer + MKV, a tool that allows you to cut or trim AVI and MKV files without quality loss
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 6.1.1811.14 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8
License: Ad-ware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 56397 times


Download: SolveigMM_AVI_Trimmer_MKV.exe   SolveigMM_AVI_Trimmer_MKV.exe

Description:Download SolveigMM AVI Trimmer + MKV

Download: Official Download Page   Official Download Page

Description:Download SolveigMM AVI Trimmer + MKV from the official site

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From the Author :
The trimming process is much faster than a real time playing since the core trimming technology doesn?t use any decoding/encoding process.

Solveig MM AVI Trimmer features:
  • Based on SolveigMM Video Editing Engine
  • Supports any video content - DV, XviD, DivX, 3ivX, MPEG-4, etc.
  • Supports any audio content - MPEG-1,2 Layer I, II, III; AC3, etc
  • Allows trimming AVI files contained VBR audio without synchronization loss
  • Supports AVI files of the size more then 2 and 4 GB
  • Supports Matrosska files
  • Supports the OpenDML AVI file format extension K frame/ GOP accuracy
  • Cutting off several portions of a movie at one time is allowed.
  • You can get rid of all commercials in your movie in a couple of simple steps.
  • Multilingual interface. Chinese, Danish, English, German, Finnish, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish and more other
A component version of Solveig MM AVI Trimmer is also available. Solveig Multimedia AVI Trimmer Component is an engine designed for nonlinear editing of AVI files, implemented as COM object based on Microsoft? DirectShow?.

Version 1.0 allows a developer to cut the part of an input AVI file with specified start/stop time positions and save it to an output AVI file. The component package has all necessary binaries, Developer Reference Manual and Visual C++ application sample code, that demonstrates an usage of SolveigMM AVI Trimmer Component.

SolveigMM AVI Trimmer is intended to be a demo for the SolveigMM AVI Trimmer COM based object. A fully featured version, called SolveigMM Video Splitter, is also available.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AC3, AVI, DivX, DV, MKV, Xvid
Output Files: AVI, DV, MKV

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8

Revision History:

Version 6.1.1811.14 View complete revision history

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