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DivX Codec 4.x

The OpenDivX initiative plans to release open-source DivX/MPEG-4 codecs. DivX For Windows is the Windows version of the product of the initiative.
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: Build 307 (4.12) (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 455237 times
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Download: DivX412Codec.exe   DivX412Codec.exe

Description:Download the DivX Codec 4.12
Size:22 KB

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For the latest version of DivX, please refer to this DivX Codec page.

OpenDivX is an open source initiative to develop a new MPEG-4 codec (DivX Deux) - currently, a wide range of sources/binaries are available on the official site for the codec and players, on a variety of OS platforms. Note that this codec is current in very early stages, and therefore, performance and stability isn't that great yet (although it is still very very good). For information on the project, please click here.

DivX Codec For Windows 4.x is the based on the work done in OpenDivX (but with a new "non open-source" licensing scheme), a released codec that you can use under the Windows environment.

Most movies on the net are encoded with the DivX 3.11 Alpha codec, and it is recommended that you install DivX 3.11 Alpha codec as well (both can be installed at the same time). When the DivX 4.x install program prompts you whether to playback all 3.x encoded content, you should answer no, and if you have the DivX 3.11 Alpha codec installed, you'll be using it to playback 3.x encoded content instead.

There are also other version of the DivX codec, available for different operating systems :
DivX For Apple Mac
DivX For Linux
DivX For Windows 3.11 Alpha
DivX 6.x

The "DivX Codec" is a copyright of DivX, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DivX® is a registered trademark of DivX, Inc.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: DivX
Output Files: DivX

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Related Articles & Tutorials:

Read Article: DVD to DivX (Xvid) Conversion Guide   DVD to DivX (Xvid) Conversion Guide   Essential Reading  

Description: A complete guide for DVD to DivX and Xvid conversion, now featuring instructions for Xvid encoding

Read Article: Guida al DivX4   Guida al DivX4

Description: A guide on how to use the new DivX4 codec

Read Article: DivX 4.x Codec Setup Guide   DivX 4.x Codec Setup Guide

Description: Tells you what the settings for the DivX 4.x codec means, and which one you should enable or disable

Read Article: DVD to DivX and Xvid using Gordian Knot   DVD to DivX and Xvid using Gordian Knot

Description: Complete instructions and software links to convert a DVD to DivX and Xvid formats using Gordian Knot

Revision History:

Version Build 307 (4.12)
  • Release Date: Dec 21, 2001
  • Crash and burn bug on Pentium-IV when encoding in YV12 mode
  • Crash and burn bug on buggy VIA motherboards (decoder/encoder)
  • Support for future advanced features

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