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DivX Operational Player

Download DivX Operational Player, a multimedia player that is capable of extracting video fragments and audio from the played back movie
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 1.2 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Shareware, 13.00
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Page Viewed: 30574 times


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From the Author :
DivX Operational Player is a video/audio player with additional multimedia functions. This is a player of new generation, which allows you quickly and conveniently use advantages of digital technologies.

This player supports following formats: AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF, MP3, WAV, WMA, MPE, MPG, M1V, MP2, MPV2, MP2V, MPA, M3U, MID, MIDI, RMI, IVF, AIF, AIFC, AIFF, WVX, ASX, WM, MOV, QT, WAX, AU, SND, BMP, TGA, GIF, JPEG. With the help of this program you can watch films, video clips, images, listen to music of various formats, but also to save on hard disk video fragments and separate frames from films, musical fragments from video clips, and sound fragments from audio files. Besides, you can join many video fragments into one file, join several audio fragments or mix video and audio fragments. All this tasks can be performed very easy.

Operational Wizard gives you an ability to make quickly necessary operation, simplifying the usage of complex system of video processing. Now, when you watch film, you can mark begin and end of the necessary fragment and having pressed only one button you quickly receive qualitative AVI - a fragment from film, MP3 or WAVE soundtrack or any other sound fragment from film, or also qualitative image of the chosen frame (BMP or JPEG), which can be used as wallpaper image. Video fragment can be extracted from any video format: MPEG, AVI, WMV, ASF, etc. Famous and very valuable 'Fast Mode' feature makes possible to extract video fragments from AVI files up to 10 times faster than by using traditional ways.

When you listen to music (MP3 for example) - you can extract musical fragments, or quickly join several musical fragments from many audio files and even mix these fragments. You can save it on hard disk using any compressed WAVE format or MP3.

You can quickly make your own video clip, trailer or presentation by joining several video fragments from many video files. By joining images it is possible to prepare slideshow. After that any music or sound can be added by using mix function. So, you can mix your home video records with musical fragments.

Among other advantages, it is an opportunity to use your own logo, any image or animation (BMP, JPEG, Animated GIF, AVI) in a video fragment. You can put any figure on the top of all extracted video segments.

It is possible to configure video compressors during performing all operations (such as Frame Rate, Quality, Key Frame Rate and also standard settings). Quality of extracted audio information can be also changed (Frequency, Bitrate and Number of Channels).

This player can be used for recompression purposes. For example you can recompress your movies with minimized size of file or maximized quality by changing size of image or using more powerful codec. You can recompress your music, sound by applying more suitable audio compressor or changing output quality. Large video files can be easily splitted into several parts by using video extraction function.

The program has very convenient and beautiful interface reminding WinAmp, playlist support, means of manipulation with interface, hot keys, skins. You can also adjust video parameters. Besides, DivX Operational Player can be configured to launch media file using built - in timer.

DivX Operational Player enables to perform complex video operations using very simple user interface. This is a merge of qualities of convenient player with mechanisms of professional software of processing video streams. This is a powerful, easy to use, highly interactive player, which can be used instead of standard Media Player, using all system supported Windows Media advantages.


Supported File Formats:


OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 1.2
  • Release Date: Sep 3, 2003
  • Changed visual concept of Operational Wizard;
  • Improved image extraction function (all input formats, two output formats: JPEG and BMP);
  • Added new component for WAVE compression;
  • All audio and video formats are acceptable for audio extraction;
  • Added famous Fast Mode for video extraction;
  • Video extraction functionality is extended (now all formats are supported);
  • Added new function: joining of several video fragments;
  • Added second new function: joining of several audio fragments;
  • Added third new function: mixing of several video and audio fragments;
  • Possibility to customize hot keys;
  • Additional video configuration (frame rate, video dimension, quality);
  • Added new skin: Power Style;
  • Quick guide in Operational Wizard;
  • Custom Logo function improved significantly (new interface, all formats are supported, including AVI, Animated GIF and JPEG).

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