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DivX3&4 BitRate Calculator

Download DivX3&4 BitRate Calculator, a bitrate calculator to help you make DivX 4.0 encoded movies
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 2.4.2 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 45969 times



Description:Download DivX3&4 BitRate Calculator
Size:239 KB

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From the author :
This program will calculate the bitrate to use when encoding a DivX video. Please use the DivX ;-) v3.xx (low-motion!) or DivX v4.xx codec for the video and MP3 or DivX ;-) WMA v1/2 or AC3 2.0/5.1 codec for the audio.


Main Categories: AVI (DivX, Xvid ...), Calculators
Sub Categories:

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 2.4.2
  • Release Date: Nov 17, 2001
  • saving/loading settings when starting program in c:\ wasn't working at all - fixed
  • fixed major bug in Disk Space window, when changing video length, the audio size didn't update (tnx to JiMMY for the bug report)
  • fixed minor bug in About window, the buttons didn't work when clicking them
  • added proportional calculator, useful if you want to resize your movies. Options include movie width, aspect ratio, DVD source PAL/NTSC, also an option to use custom aspect ratio.
  • history moved to separate window
  • DivX3 calculated bitrate is now rounded down, because this codec uses at least this bitrate but often higher bitrate if your movie has many scene changes, so the automaticaly inserted keyframes increase the bitrate
  • for all who sent me emails - read the Readme section before asking me why your movie is 20mb smaller or 3mb bigger than expected!

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