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Download software for playing and making DivX movies
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 1.1 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 33217 times


Download: divx2mp4.exe   divx2mp4.exe

Description:Download DivX2Mp4
Size:14 KB

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Small utility for converting AVI-files of a format MPEG4, compressed Microsoft MPEG4 codec in a format DivX or Angel Potion and back (by changing the FourCC code - no recompression needed).


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AVI, DivX, Xvid
Output Files: AVI, DivX, Xvid

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 1.1
  • Release Date: Sep 23, 2000

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Total Ratings: 3


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