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Download AviPreview, a software capable of extracting information from corrupted DivX files to make a preview file
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 0.78 Beta (details)
OS Support: Other
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 60449 times


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Description:Download AviPreview from the official site

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From the Official Site :
AviPreview is a utility that enables you to view some of the video content of DivX3 or DivX4 AVI files when the file has become corrupt and you no longer have the start or end parts. AviPreview will save a movie out to a separate AVI file, made up of scenes that it managed to salvage from the corrupt file, so you can see what was in the file and decide whether or not to keep the corrupt movie. The current version also supports MPEG audio extraction, and has preliminary support for codecs other than DivX3/DivX4.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AVI, DivX
Output Files: AVI, DivX

OS Compatibility:


Revision History:

Version 0.78 Beta
  • Release Date: Jul 20, 2002

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