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Download avi.NET, an integrated package for DVD to DivX/XviD encoding
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: (details)
OS Support: Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista Windows 7
License: Freeware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 103081 times


Download: Official download page   Official download page

Description:Download avi.NET from the official site

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Main Screen
Main Screen


From the Official Site:
avi.NET will allow you to load in your ripped VOB file, select your desired options, and convert to AVI, either XviD or DivX, both DivX 5 and 6 are supported. All AVI's made using avi.NET are SAP friendly, whether DivX or XviD codec used. Obviously they'll play just fine on your PC too. I'll now go into more detail about the usage and various options in avi.NET.

avi.NET will accept both MPEG1 or MPEG2 files for input, which includes DVD, SVCD and VCD. Upon loading a file, avi.NET will invoke DGIndex (included) to index the input file and give us the information needed for us to proceed. When our file has finished 'indexing' you'll see the movie start to play/preview.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: DVD, SVCD, VCD, VOB
Output Files: AVI, DivX, Xvid

OS Compatibility:

Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003/Windows Vista/Windows 7

Revision History:

  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2011
  • Re-wrote codec routines.
  • Support for Xvid v1.2.2.
  • Prevention of MCI errors
View complete revision history

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