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Download Aspirator, a DVD to AVI/MKV conversion tool
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 1.1.5 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
Last Updated:
Page Viewed: 58600 times


Download: Aspirator1.1.5bFull.rar   Aspirator1.1.5bFull.rar

Description:Download the full edition of Aspirator
Size:29.53 MB

Download: Aspirator1.1.5Lightb.rar   Aspirator1.1.5Lightb.rar

Description:Download the light edition of Aspirator
Size:8.3 MB

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From the Author :
What is Aspirator:
  • Aspirator is a tool that provides you to convert a DVD compressed in MPEG2 Format to an AVI file compressed with various codecs such as Divx 4.xx 5..x.x or XVID Codec. (5.0.2 or Xvid are recomended).
  • It converts AC3, MPA or WAV audio streams (wich are the 3 sound formats you can find on DVD's) to MP3.
  • Can also keep AC3 or WAV to multiplex them in the AVI file.
  • Audio Files can also be amplified or treated separetely (DVD to MP3 conversion).
  • It can "demultiplex" subtitles informations wich means to separate the subtitles informations contains in VOB files. That way you can treat them with program such as Subrip that permits you to make an OCR on the little bitmaps that contains subtitles and generate .srt or .sub files.
  • Aspirator can make a conversion with only 2 gigas of freee space on your hard drive. Don't worry it will not harm your DVD-ROM, it does not read all data directly from DVD, but copy each chapters to your hard drive, then processed it before deleting it and copying the next.
  • Another interresting feature of Aspirator is that you can split a movie by chapter (usefull for DVD concert).
  • It runs Nandub to join audio and video files with good interleaving (it syncronizes audio and video)
  • Accept on or two pass treatment.
  • Configure automatically any kind of Divx or Xvid codec. (Still some problems with 5.0.3)
  • Advanced BitRate Calculator with one pass (check video size and then calculate good audio kbps) or two pass movies (process audio after the first pass, check audio size and then calculate good video kbps).
  • Resize and cropping can be made by inside resizer or using Divx Codec resizer and cropper.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: AC3, DVD, WAV
Output Files: AVI, DivX, MP3, Xvid

OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 1.1.5
  • Release Date: Jan 9, 2005

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