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AlparySoft Lossless Video Codec

Download the AlparySoft Lossless Video Codec, a loss-less video compression codec
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 2.0 (details)
OS Support: Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows 2000 Windows XP
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 30803 times


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Description:Download AlparySoft Lossless Video Codec from the official site

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From the Official Site :
Alparysoft Lossless Video Codec 2.0 is for encoding (compression) and decoding (decompression) of video:
  • Without any mathematical losses (i.e. source and destination video are absolutely identical after encoding/decoding process), the compression ratio is twice - 5 times.
  • Without any visual losses, i.e. human eye won't be able to see any difference between source and destination video, the compression ratio is 5-15 times.


OS Compatibility:

Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me/Windows 2000/Windows XP

Revision History:

Version 2.0
  • Release Date: May 27, 2004
    1. The algorithm of visually-lossless compression is added, that allows increasing of video compression ratio in several times (that is why the codec's version has raised in one unit).
    2. The bug appearing during a work with Adobe Premier was removed, now codec is compatible with this program.
    3. A number of input and output converters is added, that is why an opportunity to transform formats for input and output streams appeared (RGB -> YUV). It increased codec's compatibility both with various capture boards and with different video editing programs. Moreover, usage of some formats allows increasing the speed of video editing greatly.
    4. General operating speed of codec is increased.
    5. An opportunity both to allow/prohibit the usage of different media formats and to set their priority appeared.

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