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3ivx Filter Suite

Download 3ivx, a MPEG-4 codec
Language: English
Ease of use: Not Rated
Latest Version: 5.0.2 (details)
OS Support: Linux/Unix Mac OS
License: Freeware
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Page Viewed: 94727 times


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Description:Download 3ivx Filter Suite from the official site

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From the Official Site :
What is 3ivx?
3ivx is an MPEG-4 toolkit that supports MPEG-4 Video, MPEG-4 Audio and the MP4 file format. 3ivx D4 4.5 allows video and audio to be compressed to a fraction of its original size while maintaining high image quality.

You can store over 2 hours of near DVD quality audio and video on a single CD-ROM or stream near DVD quality video over a cable modem or DSL modem.

Why should I install 3ivx?
The 3ivx decoder plays back most MPEG-4 files (including MP4, M4A, 3GP and MOV files) with MPEG-4 AAC Audio and MPEG-4 Video (such as DivX 3, 4 and 5, Apple MPEG-4, Philips MPEG-4 and XviD) using Windows Media Player or other compatible players. The Audio Decoder can play back MPEG-4 Multi-Channel High Efficiency AAC including audio encoded by Nero AAC and iTunes.

The 3ivx encoder produces industry-leading compact high quality MPEG-4 Audio and Video and is distributed as a plug-in for QuickTime as well as plug-ins for Video for Windows and DirectShow.

This allows you to encode MPEG-4 Audio and Video in AVI, MOV or MP4 files with the encoding application of your choice.

The 3ivx encoder produces industry-leading compact high quality MPEG-4 Audio and Video and is distributed as a plug-in for QuickTime as well as plug-ins for Video for Windows and DirectShow. This allows you to encode MPEG-4 Audio and Video in AVI, MOV or MP4 files with the encoding application of your choice.

Because of its core design and optimization the 3ivx codec maintains a record-breaking speed.

3ivx Delta 4 - 4.0.3 plays back DivX 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, OpenDivX, XviD, FFMpeg, AngelPotion, SMR, Philips MPEG-4, Apple MPEG-4, MS-MPEG-4v3, 3ivx D3, D3.5 and 4, RealMagic MPEG-4, Sorenson MPEG-4, Blizzard MPEG-4 and other MPEG-4 variants.


Supported File Formats:

Input Files: 3GP, AAC, DivX, MOV, MP4
Output Files: AVI, MOV, MP4

OS Compatibility:

Linux/Unix/Mac OS

Revision History:

Version 5.0.2
  • Release Date: Dec 22, 2007
  • Critical Security Fixes, see
  • QuickTime 7.3 Compatibility
  • Improved Vista Comaptibility
  • Dualpass and Constant Bitrate Fixes
  • DirectShow Seeking Fixes
View complete revision history

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